Plus ça change

When Chris Blunt and I started Axenic back in 2009, John Key was Prime Minister, Barack Obama had just become President of the USA and told Benjamin Netanyahu that he should freeze settlement construction in Gaza to enable movement towards a two-state solution, and a Royal Commission recommended that the 8 Auckland region local government bodies merge to form a “supercity”.

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Diversity in the workplace – International Women’s Day 2022

Take a moment to imagine a world with gender equality. No bias, no stereotypes, no discrimination. This year’s International Women’s Day focuses on encouraging people to overcome gender biases towards women. We are trying to eliminate gender bias by showing our support and encouraging diversity. We’re very fortunate that our team here at Axenic is made up of a number of passionate and experienced women who are all outstanding professionals in their field. In support and recognition of International Women’s Day this year, we would like to take the opportunity to introduce you to them.

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Graduate Enters the ‘Real World’

My name is Camille. I’m 23 years old and I recently graduated from Victoria University of Wellington with a Bachelor of Commerce with a Major in Information Systems.

I consider myself lucky that I got a ‘job job’ (a word I define as a job in the industry you spend years at university aspiring to get) shortly after university. I consider myself luckier that I got a job at Axenic. Information Security was always an interest of mine at university and I’m happy I chose to pursue it.

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