After 25 years the New Zealand Privacy Act is finally getting an update! It is based on 2011 recommendations from the Law Commission’s review. The new bill has just been released on 20th March and the act will come into force on 1st July 2019.
Category: Privacy
How the General Data Protection Regulation applies to New Zealand organisations
Cyber Smart Week – Practical Security
Getting the basics right
Getting practical security information and guidance shouldn’t be so hard. Unfortunately, sometimes it can feel that way. Yes, there may be times when you will need to bring in specialists to assist your business to meet its security needs, but there are many aspects of security which you can choose to do, even on the leanest of budgets.
Who cares about unique identifiers?
Almost everyone has been on the receiving end of a request to provide photo identification (most commonly a drivers’ licence or a passport) when applying for a bank account, or purchasing a new mobile phone, or some similar account-based transaction. The person making the request typically either writes down the details of the document or photocopies it. But there is one piece of information that should not be captured unless there is a legitimate reason to – the unique identifier.
Axenic wins iSANZ Best Security Project / Initiative award
Information Security & Privacy as part of Project Management
A typical Project Management methodology doesn’t include details about ensuring confidentiality, integrity and availability of information or the privacy of personal information. Experience has shown that too often the information security or privacy subject matter experts are not consulted about the project until the test phase, or even worse when the project needs to be signed off or is about to go live.