Last week was an exciting week for the Axenic team with some big news. We are extremely proud that we achieved the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification and we don’t underestimate what a huge accomplishment this is for our business and importantly – our customers. Information security is at the core of what we do at Axenic, and we wanted to practice what we preach. You may be interested in getting ISO/IEC:2013 27001 certification for your organisation – read on to find out why we went through this process and what it means for our clients.
Category: ISO 27001
From Chaos to Conformance: 4 Context of the organisation
Information security is all about context!
In my previous two articles in this series focused on developing an Information Security Management System (ISMS) based on ISO 27001:2013, I presented the common myths associated with the standard. In this article, I am going to provide an overview of the standard and section 4 Context of the organisation.
From Chaos to Conformance: More ISO 27001 myths
Dispelling more common myths
Okay, I know I promised to delve into and discuss the requirements defined in 4 Context of the organisation. However, I realised that they are other common myths that I should dispel for those of you that are interested in implementing an Information Security Management System (ISMS) that conforms with ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (ISO 27001).
From Chaos to Conformance: A series on implementing an ISMS
Dispelling some common myths.
Axenic invests in certifying its consultants to Information Security Management System (ISMS) Lead Auditor (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
Information Security & Privacy as part of Project Management
A typical Project Management methodology doesn’t include details about ensuring confidentiality, integrity and availability of information or the privacy of personal information. Experience has shown that too often the information security or privacy subject matter experts are not consulted about the project until the test phase, or even worse when the project needs to be signed off or is about to go live.