Axenic announces new product offering – substantial security improvement for Government agencies!

Axenic is proud to announce our new product offering which will substantially improve security at government agencies!

Government agencies have been telling us for years that they have struggled to implement the cable colour standards in the NZISM. Hampered by the fact that they don’t own the data centres, that it is hard to discover which cables are carrying which traffic, and that many of the data centres are overseas – agencies have given up. No longer!  Read More

ISO Blog Series Part 2: ISMS The Planning Stage what is involved

At the end of 2019, Axenic’s leadership team agreed to implement our strategy to achieve ISO 27001 certification. This took the form of setting aside resources to spend time on designing and implementing our Information Security Management System (ISMS). In this blog series, we will be taking you through Axenic’s journey to certification – to catch up on Part One of the series click here. In our second blog of the Axenic ISO 27001 certification journey, we take a look at the planning stage and what was involved in this important step.

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From Chaos to Conformance: 4 Context of the organisation

Information security is all about context!

In my previous two articles in this series focused on developing an Information Security Management System (ISMS) based on ISO 27001:2013, I presented the common myths associated with the standard. In this article, I am going to provide an overview of the standard and section 4 Context of the organisation.

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From Chaos to Conformance: More ISO 27001 myths

Dispelling more common myths

Okay, I know I promised to delve into and discuss the requirements defined in 4 Context of the organisation. However, I realised that they are other common myths that I should dispel for those of you that are interested in implementing an Information Security Management System (ISMS) that conforms with ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (ISO 27001).

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