We think that the new version of NIST’s Cyber Security Framework is a significant improvement. There’s one big change, but it is the lots of little changes that add up to a massive overall improvement. New Zealand organisations will still need to do some work to plug some of its idiosyncratic gaps, however.
The Blog
ISO 27001 Audits Made Easy…Sort Of
Our clients pay us to give them good security advice. And there is nothing like taking your own advice and seeing how well that goes. So, a couple of years ago we decided to eat our own dog-food and go for ISO 27001 certification. This is an internationally recognised way to demonstrate that you have good security. We’ve recommended it to a number of our customers, and we’ve helped several gain it.
We had several things we wanted to achieve with this:
This Phrase in a Government RFP Fills Me with Dread
Government agencies use the phrase "Must comply with the NZISM" in their RFPs when they don't know what to say about security. There is a better way.
Analysing Organisation – Wide Cybersecurity Health
Whenever our team works on a project for one of our clients, we are most likely performing a risk assessment for a single information system. The purpose of this is for the organisation’s leadership to understand if that system falls within their risk appetite and to approve that system’s use. It’s like a warrant of fitness for your car – where the risk assessment is the development of items that need to be checked, and then when we audit the system, we’re playing the role of the mechanic checking each one of the items on that list. Then the organisation can approve the system for use (like when you get your WoF sticker and drive your car legally).
Archer Continuous Assurance September Release
In September, we released an updated version of the Axenic Archer Continuous Assurance service. This service is being regularly updated and enhanced to ensure a high-quality and seamless user experience. These will be a regular occurrence and we will update the main changes here, ensuring that the solution is not only a continuous assurance product, it is also continually improving and innovating. Read on to find out all the latest release details and functions of the Archer Continuous Assurance product.
On Scooters and Stale Audits
Bear with me for a bit. When my son started intermediate school he wanted to scoot there. He had a flash scooter, so we got him a padlock and insisted he use it. Over the next few weeks we checked that this was happening. 6 months later we discovered that his padlock had seized up and he couldn’t use it. I reached for that old NZ standby – CRC – and got it working again.