The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been the buzz word that is causing media hype and organisations across the globe. You can find myths and misconceptions around GDPR more than you can find factual information. This blog post will address some of the key myths that we have found.
The Blog
Privacy by Design
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner recently implemented an incentive called the “Privacy Trust Mark”, which is an accreditation given to organisations/agencies who demonstrate excellent privacy standards for a specific product, service or process. The OPC is assessing the applications based on the 7 principles of ‘Privacy by Design’ that were created by Dr Ann Cavoukian (Information & Privacy Commissioner, Ontario, Canada). This is a brief run through in case you believe your organisation is up for the challenge.
New Privacy Bill
How the General Data Protection Regulation applies to New Zealand organisations
Cyber Smart Week – Practical Security
Getting the basics right
Getting practical security information and guidance shouldn’t be so hard. Unfortunately, sometimes it can feel that way. Yes, there may be times when you will need to bring in specialists to assist your business to meet its security needs, but there are many aspects of security which you can choose to do, even on the leanest of budgets.
Axenic to work with the NZ Government to improve information security
Axenic has been selected for the new ICT Security and Related Services (ICTSRS) panel to provide governance, risk and assurance services to the New Zealand Government.
Axenic has worked closely with the NZ Government Chief Information Officer (GCIO) over several years to improve NZ Agency security maturity. This has included contributing to the development of the GCIO risk management framework, the GCIO assurance framework and the Office 365 and Azure Risk Assessments.