“The Stone Age was marked by man’s clever use of crude tools; the information age, to date, has been marked by man’s crude use of clever tools.”Anonymous
About Us
What makes Axenic special
When we founded Axenic in 2009, the idea was simple: provide high-quality information security and privacy advice to help and support our clients to achieve their business goals and objectives.
Using recognised frameworks, standards and methodologies to deliver consistent, repeatable, traceable and defendable advice – rather than unspecified ‘best practice’ or unsupported opinions. Delivered by experts with extensive real world experience across both the public and private sectors.
We have chosen not to sell product, partner with vendors or offer technical implementation services in order to maintain a truly independent advisory role. Hence our name Axenic [a-zen-ic], meaning pure or uncontaminated.
Our dedication to delivering quality advice – that is free from influence – is shown in the results we deliver.
Why Work With Us?
Six reasons why choosing Axenic is a great idea:
Business Focused
We focus on helping our clients achieve their business goals and objectives, enabling them to maximise the opportunities to leverage their information assets while managing the associated security and privacy risks.
High-Quality Outcomes
Our services are based on recognised frameworks, standards and methodologies1 to ensure that we deliver consistent and repeatable outcomes.
Institutional Knowledge
We establish long-term relationships with our clients, developing institutional knowledge about their business enabling us to provide quality advice that is relevant to their specific context.
Real-World Experience
Our team has extensive real-world experience of delivering security and privacy services across both the public and private sectors.
Truly Independent Advice
We do not sell products, partner with vendors or offer technical implementation services to guarantee that we provide our clients with truly independent advice.
Plain English
We use plain English to ensure our reports can be read, understood and actioned by non-technical decision makers.
1 Including SABSA, COBIT, OCTAVE, ISO 22301, ISO 27001, ISO 27002, ISO 27003, ISO 27005, ISO 27031, ISO 27035, ISO 31000, Protective Security Requirements (PSR), New Zealand Information Security Manual (NZISM) and the Health Information Security Framework (HISF HISO 10029 Standard).
Our Partners
Axenic partners with select specialist providers that complement and extend the range of services we can offer our clients; these include:
Archer, Australia